Sunday, December 16, 2007

Keep 'em coming

We love this time of year because we suddenly get a large influx of mail and Christmas Cards. We love to see all the pictures that people send, and read the cards and letters. We post them on our wall so we can see them all month long. Thanks to all who have sent us a Christmas Card this year.

Let it snow!

We finally got a good snow storm here in Ann Arbor. Last week it rained, then froze, then frozen rain. It has been cold enough to snow, just not the right storms. Finally last night it snowed about 6 inches, and is still snowing all day today.

This morning Jayda and I went out to enjoy the new snow. It was windy and blowing all over, but it is a beautiful white covering to everything.

Here is what it looked like yesterday. We were getting ready to run (hobble for me, run for Anna) with the kids. It was 23 degrees outside, no snow, just cold. It was a lot of fun for all of us though.

Some of our neighbors and Jayda's friends came out to play with her this morning. It was cold and Jayda got wet legs and hands, but she never wanted to come inside. When we finally did get her inside, her boots were full of snow, her legs wet, and her hands freezing, but she was so excited she didn't even notice.

Anna and Addison decided to watch from the warmth of the kitchen. I think they may have been the smart ones.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Early Dec update

Time for an update from the Allen blog of life. I know you have all been checking daily and anticipating our next update. Well, here it is.
Life is good here in Michigan. It's cold, but that is normal for December here. Not much snow to report, a little storm here and there, but mainly ice and cold. Todd finishes school this week and has almost 3 weeks off! (last time that will ever happen, better enjoy it now!). Todd also has finished interviewing at his pediatric dental programs. 5 interviews total, and he is glad to be done traveling and scheduling interviews. We will submit our match rank list in January, then on the 28th of January our fate will be determined by some fancy computer that will tell us if, and where we will be going....

For the cold weather here we have to bundle up the girls extra warm, even to just run to the car. Here is Addison in her snow suit. We were on our way out the door one day and we looked to find Addison had fallen back and was unable to move . She can't roll over, crawl, or move much at all, but it sure does keep her warm.

Jayda got a new hat and scarf this year. The scarf has little pockets on the end so she can tuck her hands in them when outside. It works pretty well and she won't leave the house without her hands in her pockets.

Even though we won't be in our apartment on Christmas this year, we (Anna) decided that we should have a Christmas tree for the girls to decorate and enjoy. We got a small 3 foot tree and set it up, let Jayda help decorate it, put lights on it, and now we get to enjoy it until we are gone. Todd is a bit of a scrooge with tree's for some reason, but Anna talked him in to it and he likes it now.

No Christmas season would be complete without some gingerbread houses. Jayda made one at pre-school and was so excited to bring it home and show it off. She was also excited to have left over candy that she could bring home and eat. This picture was her showing off the house, but it was so cold she could barely stand still long enough to take the picture.

Jayda has finally showed a desire to sleep "up top" on the top bunk bed. We were washing her sheets from the bottom bunk one day, so we let her sleep on the top for her nap- now she won't go back. She loves to climb up "by myself" and pull up her blankets. She does great getting in and out by herself so we don't end up helping her at all.

In this one you can see her tucked in on top, but even better is that she has her "babies" tucked in on the bottom bunk now. I guess they took over the lower when she moved up.