Saturday, February 23, 2008

February update

Our blog updates are not as regular as they should be, but we figured it was time to finally add another update for you all now.
We have been busy with life as usual- kids, errands, preschool, housework, etc.... but what has really kept our minds busy is getting ready to move soon, thoughts of packing, finishing school, finding a place to live in Minneapolis, finding out a lot more about Minneapolis and what there is there, etc...
Todd only has 7 weeks of clinic left to finish all his graduation requirements and take his clinical boards. It is a little stressful, but will go quickly and then before we know it graduation will be upon us. Then it is time to pack up the truck and move out. We won't get too far ahead of ourselves though, there is still plenty going on here right now.

For Valentines day Anna planned a special surprise dinner for us all. She made a fancy dinner and set up the table with candles, gifts, and valentine themed items. She made us all go upstairs so she could suprise us all with the set up. It was quite nice and she did a fabulous job on the valentines day. Jayda thought it was pretty cool and kept saying how "fancy and special" it all was. You can even see she put on a "fancy" dress on for the dinner!

Addison put on these glasses the other day and thought she was the coolest thing to hit the planet. She laughed and crawled/walked around for an hour with them on. She looked like a nerd to me, but she thought it was the new hot style to be wearing.

Addison is starting to walk on her own now! She has been taking 5-6 steps at a time from one of us to the other, or to the couch. She does pretty well and is getting her balance down better and getting more confident. It is fun to watch her learn and see her get better every day. Go Addison!

Jayda was nice enough go with her dad to the Detroit boat show. Not that we are in the market to buy a boat, but it never hurts to dream right!

Free ride in a little toy boat

Jayda and her friend Dallin climbed in and out of almost every boat. They thought it was so fun to "drive" it, then sit in every seat, touch every button, then climb out and climb in the next boat and do the same. They did this for almost 3 hours!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Weather woes

Oh the weather outside if frightful, but heat inside is delightful.
For all of you that don't live in Ann Arbor, I just thought I would update you all on how cold and gloomy it is here. February is such a hard month to deal with. Cloudy gray days, only seeing the sun once a week if lucky, cold, cold, some snow, and more cold. This is about the view we get all day long- gray and snowy!

March is a better month, slighty warmer and the hope of Spring around the corner. We just need to make it to March now.

I looked up the current weather in Ann Arbor and Minneapolis today on I guess I shouldn't complain too much about the current weather in Ann Arbor, look at the comparison below. Not looking great for better winters over the next two years for us.

Currently at 10:30am: Ann Arbor (AA): 6 degrees, feels like -17 with the wind!
Currently in Minneapolis: -15 degrees, feels like -38 (what does that really feel like, it's too cold to feel!)

The next few days are pretty much the same as this. Lots of negative numbers in Minneapolis, lots of single digits in AA. Oh well, I guess that is life for now!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Don't try this at home!

It's probably not the safest thing to let your three year old push her 1 year old sister in the doll stroller, but they were entertaining themselves and the good Mom that I am I let them continue. Addison had a blast riding in the doll stroller while Jayda ran full speed from one side of the room to the other. I had to put a stop to the fun when Jayda started to ram her into the walls. The tantrum Addison threw when I took her out was one of her better ones. Now every time she sees the stroller she goes crazy and tries to climb in and whines in protest if Jayda won't push her. While pushing Addison, Jayda informed me that she was taking Addison on a walk to Minnesota. Cute kids!