Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tricks and Treats


My sneaky brother Joey gave us a huge surprise when he showed up on our door step the day before Halloween! We had no idea he was coming and I'm glad we were home when he showed up. I'm always badgering him to come and see us, so I guess my badgering paid off! We had a great time and we are so glad he came.

Fun Rides with Uncle Joey at the Mall of America


Joey was kind enough to bring the girls large caramel apples! The girls loved them, or at least what they could bite into!

Getting ready to go trick or treating. I got dressed up as a skunk (thanks Amy P for the idea) and took the girls out while Todd & Joey stayed home to pass out candy.

Jayda and Addison loved their costumes, even after halloween was over they kept wanting to put them back on and wear them. Addison did her best to keep up with Jayda and her friends. Jayda raced from house to house trick or treating with the neighborhood kids. Addison had to skip every other house so she could catch up since her legs don't run quite as fast. She also would grab handfuls of candy not understanding you are supposed to take just one. They both really enjoyed all of the activities we did for halloween (and there were a lot in the weeks leading up to halloween).

Monday, November 3, 2008


Two or three weeks ago I posted about the price of gas and how excited I was that it was $2.78.

This is the price at Costco today, I can't believe it.